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Last Sunday

God Introduces Godself Part 2

Last week, we started discussing God’s proper name: Yahweh. This week, we will look at Exodus 34, where God tells us more.

Recent Sermons

God Introduces Godself

God is called by many names in the Bible. We will look at a few of them in the next weeks. This week we looked at the name that God used to introduce Godself.

Here’s Your Sign

The very first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine at a wedding. And he had to be talked into it! What does that mean for us?

You Are My Beloved Child

When Jesus was baptized by John, it was quite a spectacle: a voice was heard, the clouds suddenly parted, something was seen coming from the sky. Why should any of that surprise us? That was JESUS. But what does it have to do with us? It has SO MUCH to do with us!...