Join Us in Prayer

Your concerns matter at St. James

Prayer Request Form

The St. James community of faith cares about you! We believe prayer is a way for people of faith to be people of love. Submit your prayer request using the provided form.

NOTE: Please verify that you have the permission to share any confidential information before submitting requests. If in doubt, make your request but leave out any identifying information about people and their conditions.

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Prayer Resources

What Is Prayer?

In unravelling the complexity of prayer, we may learn to accept the mystery and seek a deeper connection with God.

UMC Prayer Resources

John Wesley wrote, “All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity, according to the order of God.”

Spiritual Journaling

Journaling creates space for reflection. This link takes you to a 7-day journey into spiritual journaling.

Breath Prayer

Did you know that something as simple as breathing draws us closer to God?

Welcoming Prayer

The Welcoming Prayer is a practice that disrupts feelings of separation and loneliness in our days.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative prayer is the art and willingness to slow down and pay attention in everyday living.