Pastor’s Blog

News from Richard’s desk

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Here you will find information that I think is important, but it may not be urgent. There won’t be a headline on the homepage.

This is where I will talk about what is going on in the church and in our community. This is where I will share ideas we are considering or things I am thinking about or lessons I am learning.

Hopefully, you will be benefited by being here!

The Latest

A Version of the Lord’s Prayer

This paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer was written by Pete Greig. Our Father, Holy and awesome is your name. Your Kingdom come and your will be done on this broken earth, As it is in the Heavens. Have mercy on the millions of families oppressed by Disease Disaster...

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Read This!

Read This!

I do have something I want you to read! 6 Uncommon Ways to Hear God's Voice is a good read. I found it pretty helpful. Our Food Pantry shelves are almost empty. If you can bring something, HERE is a list of needed items. Just bring it to church with you.Sunday we...

Pray the Day

1-PtD-long-overviewDownload The file above contains 9x16 images of the Pray the Day practice. You can save these to your phone. I saved mine to 'Photos' and then created an album called "Pray the Day".

Online Course on Revelation

Online Course on Revelation

This week, I received an announcement about this course being offered via Zoom. I will be participating as a student, and I invite you to do so too. Here is a description of the course: Regardless of what religious persuasion a person identifies with, the idea of...