For Youth
Growing together in service and leadership
Youth are important at St James! We take a family-centered approach to youth ministry. Parents are the #1 spiritual influence in the lives of their children. We offer training and many resources for parents to discuss and teach about faith at home with their children.
We encourage youth to serve and lead. There’s always a way to get involved at St James.
We also offer several family-friendly activities or events throughout the year. Among these are service projects which families can work on together. Learning the importance of helping others is important!
We are part of a group of United Methodist churches in Southern Arizona and have several fun events and service opportunities each year.
Watch this space for details on yourth events to come!
Ourt next BIG youth event is our southern Arizona Methodist youth back to school event: DEFY All-Nighter!
Upcoming Events
Food Pantry
February 18 @ 7:00 am - 3:00 pmMake Sandwiches
February 23 @ 11:15 am - 12:00 pmFebruary Birthdays
February 23 @ 11:15 am - 12:00 pm