When Jesus was baptized by John, it was quite a spectacle: a voice was heard, the clouds suddenly parted, something was seen coming from the sky. Why should any of that surprise us? That was JESUS. But what does it have to do with us? It has SO MUCH to do with us!...
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Greetings from Scenic Picture Rocks!
This week is The Gathering, the annual retreat for all appointed clergy in the Desert Southwest Conference. It is held at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Picture Rocks. It is a beautiful location. So I am out of the office and off my regular schedule most of the...
This Sunday
This Sunday will be Baptism of the Lord Sunday. And yes, you guessed correctly, we will be reading the story of Jesus' baptism by John in the river Jordan. You can read this episode in all four of the Gospels. Matthew 3.13-17, John 1.29-34, Mark 1.9-11,...
Jesus Is the Light of the World
Epiphany? What’s that? This Sunday, we look at the story of the Magi, the Wise Men. This is one of my favorite stories in Scripture! https://youtu.be/L9-jgYcMDx4
Two Projects
We have two projects we will be working on around the church in the near future. The first one is a roofing project, to re-coat and repair some spots. The second project is replacing outside lighting, specifically the front parking lot light and the rear parking lot...
The Christmas Story
Christmas is over. But is it? Actually, we are in the SEASON of Christmas which lasts until January 6. You’ve heard of the 12 days of Christmas. This season is what that refers to. But this Sunday, we read again the Christmas story and sang again the carols....